The Art of Leadership

Small Things, Done Well

出版社 O'Reilly Media
発売日 2020/06/02
ページ数 198
ISBN-13 9781492045694
お届け日 通常 03月28日~04月04日

通常価格 ¥4,400

税込 配送料は購入手続き時に計算されます。

Many people think leadership is a higher calling that resides exclusively with a select few who practice and preach big, complex leadership philosophies. But as this practical book reveals, what’s most important for leadership is principled consistency. Time and again, small things done well build trust and respect within a team.

Using stories from his time at Netscape, Apple, and Slack, Michael Lopp presents a series of small but compelling practices to help you build leadership skills. You’ll learn how to create teams that are highly productive, highly respected, and highly trusted. Lopp has been speaking and writing about this topic for over a decade and now maintains a Slack leadership channel with over 13,000 members.

The essays in this book examine the practical skills Lopp learned from exceptional leaders–as a manager at Netscape, a senior manager and director at Apple, and an executive at Slack. You’ll learn how to apply these lessons to your own experience.



