Nala's World

One Man, His Rescue Cat, and a Bike Ride Around the Globe

出版社 Grand Central Publishing
発売日 2020/09/29
ページ数 272
ISBN-13 9781538718780
お届け日 通常 03月04日~03月11日

通常価格 ¥2,970

税込 配送料は購入手続き時に計算されます。


Discover the heartwarming true story of a life-changing friendship between a man and his rescue cat, Nala, as they adventure together on a bike journey around the world – from the Instagram phenomenon @1bike1world.

When 30-year-old Dean Nicholson set off from Scotland to cycle around the world, his aim was to learn as much as he could about our troubled planet. But he hadn’t bargained on the lessons he’d learn from his unlikely companion.

Three months after leaving home, on a remote road in the mountains between Montenegro and Bosnia, he came across an abandoned kitten. Something about the piercing eyes and plaintive meowing of the bedraggled little cat proved irresistible. He couldn’t leave her to her fate, so he put her on his bike and then, with the help of local vets, nursed her back to health.

Soon on his travels with the cat he named Nala, they forged an unbreakable bond – both curious, independent, resilient and adventurous. The video of how they met has had 20 million views and their Instagram has grown to almost 750k followers – and still counting!

Experiencing the kindness of strangers, visiting refugee camps, rescuing animals through Europe and Asia, Dean and Nala have already learned that the unexpected can be pretty amazing. Together with Garry Jenkins, writer with James Bowen of the bestselling A Street Cat Named Bob, Dean shares the extraordinary tale of his and Nala’s inspiring and heart-warming adventure together.

DeepL 粗訳

インスタグラム現象の @1bike1world から、一人の男性と彼の救助猫、ナラの人生を変えた友情の心温まる実話を紹介します。



すぐに彼はナラと名付けた猫と一緒に旅をして、彼らは折れない絆を築いた - 好奇心旺盛で、独立心が強く、回復力があり、冒険的な両方。彼らがどのように出会ったかのビデオは2000万回再生され、彼らのInstagramのフォロワーは約750kに成長しました - そしてまだカウントしています!
